2022 SBSA Board Of Director Elections

SBSA Board of Director Elections!

Attention on Deck!

Fellow Swifties:
The SBSA’s By-Laws call for the election of directors as set down by the Board of Directors at each regular business meeting; held every other year as announced.  The terms are arranged in a staggered manner so the entire board is not up for election at the same time to ensure continuity.  Terms are for FOUR years.  At the May 2022 SBSA Business Meeting we will have four open positions.
Being a director is one of the most worthwhile things a member can do. You’ll be serving your shipmates, helping to craft the image of the association to the outside world, and ensuring the best use of the association’s assets. The only thing not needed is anyone who isn’t ready to roll up their sleeves and get to work. Any current dues-paid members of the SBSA are eligible to stand for election. The requirements are fairly simple:

 – Must be reasonably available for email discussions and votes.

 – Must have access to a computer.

 – Must attend all meetings of the Board of Directors at your own cost.

You may nominate yourself or you may nominate another Swifty if you have first checked with him to confirm that he agrees to being nominated.  Include a very brief (2-3 sentences) of your history and anything you wish people to know. Please call or email if you have any questions or suggestions.

Again, there are four Board of Director terms expiring this coming year.

Thank you!
Please send your nomination to our BoD Nominating Committee:
Dave Bradley  –  brownwtrmem@gmail.com
(951) 746-5033

Don Hammer  –  donhammer@gmail.com
(309) 825-7331

Bob Barnett2022 SBSA Board Of Director Elections