Gentlemen, The PCF 816 summer cruise is now scheduled starting June 13, 2016 and lasting until July 8, 2016. There are 11 legs total, going from San Diego up to Santa Barbara and back, with stays in each port and listed below. Please be aware the first date in each leg is the date of sail and the next day, …
Summer Cruise 2016
MARKET TIME / SEA LORDS 2016 IS ON! The SBSA has donated $30,000 to have the port engine rebuilt and the Maritime Museum will supply the balance required. If you wish to donate to this effort please do so by donating to the SBSA with the memo note that your money goes towards PCF‐816. The Maritime Museum has agreed to “loan” the 816 to a …
Award Nominations
I am asking for recommendations from our membership for our two major reunion banquet awards – The Elmo R. Zumwalt, Jr., Humanitarian Award and The Ralph Singleton Patriot Award. Elmo R. Zumwalt, Jr. Humanitarian Award The Elmo R. Zumwalt, Jr. Humanitarian Award was created to recognize an outstanding individual who has dedicated his time to serving the needs of our …
2015 Reunion Shirts!
The shirt design for the 2015 SBSA Reunion has been created and decided upon. Order form as well as size selection will be available soon. Front Left of Shirt Back of Shirt